Rod & Anne Thorpe

Global • YWAM North Africa


Rod and Anne are full-time with YWAM and based in southern NSW. For many years they served in the Middle East and Africa establishing several bases and leading mission teams.


More recently they have been providing coaching, teaching and support for the YWAM leaders and teams that they helped establish.  In non-COVID-19 times this includes spending significant time overseas engaging directly with these teams.

Here in Australia, they are engaged in fundraising for YWAM as well as ongoing site development at the YWAM base.  They have an ongoing role in leading and facilitating Discipleship Training Schools as well as Schools of Frontier Missions.  This year, these training courses are being conducted as much as possible on-line or over weekends.

From their base they have had several opportunities to engage directly with the local community through community events and festivals which have been held on the YWAM site.


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